Aún cayendo en el fácil buenrrollismo perroflauta este tío ha sacado un video que me parece que consigue transmitir, lo que sea, pero transmite, tambien ayuda el reparto..
Hala, empezad, os lo he puesto a huevo
martes, 31 de marzo de 2009
Macaco - Moving
Publicado por
Money Penny
Hoy me he levantado sentimental, así que voy a aprovecharlo para hacer un homenaje a nuestro querido M.
Creo honestamente que esta vez (también), las expectativas estaban justificadas. "Man on wire": una experiencia única.
Publicado por
David Arias
lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009
Friends (De Flight Of The Conchords)
Friends sing together
La La La La
Friends do things together
La La La La
Friends laugh together
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Friends make graphs together
La La La La
Friends help you when you're in danger
Friends are people who are not strangers
Friends help you shift into a new place
Tell you if you've got food on you're face
Friends are the ones, on who you can depend
He's my friend, He's not my friend
Friends are the ones who are there at the end
He's my friend, They're not my friends
If you trip over I'll catch you're fall
If you break my dick, I won't break you're balls
If you get drunk and vomit on me
I'll make sure you get home safely
If you cross the road and a drunk struck you
And scrape you up and reconstruct you
I'll cheer you up if you're depressed
If you get murdered I'll avenge you're death
Friends walk together
La La La La
Pop and lock together
(Zzi zzu Zzi Zzu)
Me and him together
La La La La
Me and Jim forever
Friends go jogging at the track
Friends borrow money never pay It back
Friends do not let friends do crack
Friends go out and grab a snack
Friends drink beer in the sun
Unlike girlfriends they don't mind if you have more than one
Friends tell you when you're flys undone
My Uncle John had a special friend
They dressed a like, his name was Ben
I've never seen two friends like them
They we're very very friendly men
La La La La
Friends, Friends, Friends
Publicado por
Mauricio Herrero
En mi cabeza suena: Friends are the ones who are there at the end
sábado, 28 de marzo de 2009
Disco del Día: Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Beware(2009)
Sin palabras...(preciosa referencia en la portada)
Descarga directa: http://rapidshare.com/files/206495775/bonnie.rar
Publicado por
Money Penny
viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009
Lo nuevo de The Wave Pictures
If You Leave It Alone es el nuevo disco de The Wave Pictures. Su debut, Instant Coffe Baby, fué uno de mis discos favoritos de 2008, tan favorito como el de Vampire Weekend o el de Silver Jews. Aunque sólo lo he escuchado una vez y me ha parecido más lentito y un poco flojo, no me atrevo a dar un veredicto final. Habrá que darle más margen.
Si os gustó el anterior, o si os va el rollo Hefner + Violent Femmes + The Modern Lovers, estáis tardando en descargarlo.
Y de paso os dejo un video hecho por unos mejicanos con una canción de The Wave Pictures. Te alegra el día. Buenísimo.
Publicado por
Mauricio Herrero
En mi cabeza suena: Just Like a Drummer
jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009
miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009
Hasta pronto Capitán!
Para el Capitán! Buen viaje!
The island it is silent now, But the ghosts still haunt the waves, And the torch lights up a famished man, Who fortune could not save
Did you work upon the railroad, Did you rid the streets of crime, Were your dollars from the white house, Were they from the five and dime
Did the old songs taunt or cheer you, And did they still make you cry, Did you count the months and years, Or did your teardrops quickly dry
Ah, no, says he, twas not to be, On a coffin ship I came here, And I never even got so far, That they could change my name.
Thousands are sailing, Across the western ocean, To a land of opportunity, That some of them will never see, Fortune prevailing, Across the western ocean, Their bellies full, Their spirits free, Theyll break the chains of poverty, And they'll dance
In manhattan's desert twilight, In the death of afternoon, We stepped hand in hand on broadway, Like the first man on the moon
And the blackbird broke the silence, As you whistled it so sweet, And in brendan behans footsteps, I danced up and down the street
Then we said goodnight to broadway, Giving it our best regards, Tipped our hats to mister cohen, Dear old times squares favorite bard
Then we raised a glass to jfk, And a dozen more besides, When I got back to my empty room, I suppose I must have cried
Thousands are sailing, Again across the ocean, Where the hand of opportunity, Draws tickets in a lottery, Postcards were mailing, Of sky-blue skies and oceans, From rooms the daylight never sees, Where lights dont glow on christmas trees, But we dance to the music, And we dance
Thousands are sailing, Across the western ocean, Where the hand of opportunity, Draws tickets in a lottery, Where eer we go, we celebrate, The land that makes us refugees, From fear of priests with empty plates, From guilt and weeping effigies, And we dance
Publicado por
Mauricio Herrero
sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009
El arte? del sampleo?
Para gustos los colores, pero si es verdad que el sampleo ha conseguido cotas muy altas desde que el hip hop ha empezado a "honrar" a los clásicos con piezas como este "i Got a Woman" de Ray Charles en versión Kayne West, todo un maestro en estas lindes.
Esta es la version que Diplo hace de la misma canción:
Publicado por
Money Penny
viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009
Takashi Murakami
Una verdadera delicia sería el ver las obras de este genio en el Guggenheim de Bilbo.
Takashi Murakami (Tokio, 1962)es casi una leyenda en vida del arte contemporáneo y sus obras son como comics anime, con muchos colores y formas diferentes, desde colaboraciones con firmas como Louis Vuitton hasta instalaciones de luz y música este personaje ha dejado huella en el arte y ahora lo presenta en una retrospectiva del 17 febrero – 31 mayo, perfecta excusa para darse una vuelta por allí arriba.
Publicado por
Money Penny
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009
Una autentica sorpresa el debut de estos chicos de Barcelona. Sólo os digo que suenan como Orange Juice, y eso es MUCHÍSIMO. Y que ojalá que sigan saliendo grupos como ellos. Frescos, originales e inteligentes.
Una joya este Desayuno Continental.
Viva Extraperlo!
Podéis descargarlo aquí, aunque tampoco estaría de más que os (me) lo comprarais...
Publicado por
Mauricio Herrero
En mi cabeza suena: Noche en la montaña
lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009
For you dear, I was born
For you I was raised up
For you I've lived and for you I will die
For you I am dying now
You were my mad little lover
In a world where everybody fucks everybody else over
You who are so far from me
Far from me
So far from me
Way across some cold neurotic sea
Far from me
I would talk to you of all matter of things
With a smile you would reply
Then the sun would leave your pretty face
And you'd retreat from the front of your eyes
I keep hearing that you're doing best
I hope your heart beats happy in your infant breast
You are so far from me
Far from me
Far from me
There is no knowledge but i know it
There's nothing to learn from that vacant voice
That sails to me across the line
From the ridiculous to the sublime
It's good to hear you're doing so well
But really can't you find somebody else that you can ring and tell
Did you ever
Care for me?
Were you ever
There for me?
So far from me
You told me you'd stick by me
Through the thick and through the thin
Those were your very words
My fair-weather friend
You were my brave-hearted lover
At the first taste of trouble went running back to mother
So far from me
Far from me
Suspended in your bleak and fishless sea
Far from me
Far from me
Publicado por
Money Penny
miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009
domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009
Disco del Día : Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago (2007)
Bueno, espero poder volver a cogerle el truquillo a esto y darle algo de vidilla, este disco, dedicado a M, reconozco que en dos escuchas ha despertado algo...
Descarga directa: http://rapidshare.com/files/131716133/Bon_Iver_-_For_Emma__Forever_Ago.zip.html
Password: http://1251piloto.blogspot.com/
Publicado por
Money Penny
viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009
Una de Grant y una de Robert
Publicado por
Mauricio Herrero
En mi cabeza suena: Whatever I have is yours and it's right here...
domingo, 1 de marzo de 2009
R.I.P. Estelle Bennet, fundadora de las Ronettes
Mierda. El pasado 11 de febrero, a los 67 años, murió Estelle, la hermana de Ronnie Spector y tercio de las Ronettes. Aunque suene a cliché, siempre nos quedarán sus canciones.
Publicado por
Mauricio Herrero
En mi cabeza suena: Is this what i get for loving you baby